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Episode 84

First aired July 25, 2018

Living non-religious spirituality in a cosmopolitan city, London

In this show Dr. Rahoul Masrani talks to Dr. Vijay Murthy about how his life underwent a slow but profound shift in his exploration of ethical living and spiritually. He explains what it is to live a non-religious spiritual life by embracing ethical living principles and following the principles of 'non-hurt' from the Yoga philosophy in a cosmopolitan city like London. In this fast-paced, hectic world, increasing numbers of people are looking to become healthier, both mentally and physically. Instead of seeking instant gratification, it is essential to ‘trust the process’ and allow ourselves to embrace change in a gradual, unforced way. If you are looking to become healthier, reduce your carbon footprint and live your life in a more conscious manner, making small changes will go a long way. Never force yourself to embrace change and always question the motivations and intentions behind your decisions. The more we work to better understand the impacts of our choices, the more likely we are to become healthier and happier in the long run.

About our Guest

Dr Rahoul Masrani is a visiting fellow and course teacher at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His personal transformation began in 2007, when he decided to leave the banking industry and pursue a Master’s degree and, eventually, a PhD in Media and Communications. Around the same time, Rahoul discovered yoga as a means to assist in the treatment of a back injury. His yoga journey became part of an overall health management system and spiritual shift, which eventually involved embracing veganism and leading a more conscious life. He currently leads courses on the YogaLondon 200-hour teacher training course and he and shares his commitment to a health-conscious and awakened lifestyle with his wife and young son.

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