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Episode 89

First aired November 14, 2018

I Am Alive – Accepting life with integrity to dream big

In this interview Francesca Del Nero, the founder and CEO of School For Dreamers shares her story with Dr.Vijay Murthy as to how she came to establish a platform for leadership development. Francesca talks about how integrity in accepting life is the key to change. She explains how her annual event in Milan helps hundreds of people who share their life stories to support, encourage and create change. 

About our Guest

Francesca Del Nero is the Founder and CEO of School For Dreamers. Now an international speaker, coach and trainer, Francesca worked as a corporate banking manager for many years. She is mother to three daughters. She left GE Capital in 2010 to fund an international school of overturning and transformation of the Being, School For Dreamers, with the aim of inspiring a new generation of leaders driven by ethics and integrity where their success is at the service of humanity for a global harmonic development. Her purpose in life is clear: to inspire a new financial and social reality in which human beings’ Integrity is the only solution to solve humanity's problems. She collaborates with corporations, professionals and schools and she’s been leading an innovative international program called “Integrity in Action” a revolutionary journey in which conflicts, demotivation, internal divisions, stress and unhappiness are treated at the root with the aim of creating longevity and prosperity for the whole company. 
In 2015, Francesca created for the first time in history the Dreamers Day. It has become one of the most appreciated and successful international events, and a must-go to event for all pragmatic Dreamers coming from Italy and the rest of the world. 
She has been featured by Harward Business Review, Corriere Della Sera, Arbiter, Uomini e Imprese, Voyager, Rai International, Io Donna etc.

To keep in touch with Francesca:

Francesca Del Nero.jpeg
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