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Current Episodes

Holistic and Intuitive Leadership

April 23, 2019

In this interview, Jaidip Khurana speaks with Dr.Vijay Murthy on leadership coaching. In Jaidip’s opinion establishing a personal, high trust, open relationship characterized by genuine caring is critical to achieving the best result from coaching.  His focus is on helping leaders to achieve dramatic personal and business transformation through authentic leadership. He helps his clients gain self-mastery from a place of inspiration and purpose.The coaching style is holistic and intuitive, inspired by mindfulness and neuroscience. Jaidip creates an environment of trust and authenticity for his clients to expand their perspective and see blind spots. His approach is both challenging and nurturing designed around what the client needs rather than any particular process.   Jaidip helps clients to learn how to discover and consciously observe their limiting patterns at the moment that they arise along with the accompanying thoughts and emotions. It allows them to consciously choose the most effective response at every moment instead of reacting out of old patterns. His clients develop a customized and creative practice that will increase their self-awareness and will improve their ability to understand and communicate with others. 

From London to Peru in exploring the nature of mind

April 02, 2019

In this interview Tomaz Mueller, an Ayurvedic practitioner who emphasises on the role of meditation & mind in accomplishing optimal health & wellbeing shares his fascinating experience during his trip to Peru. Tomaz unravels the secrets of being in the right environment to make the necessary positive mental shift to take control of one’s wellbeing. He invites others to join him on his next trip to Peru.

App for self-help through Spiritualty

March 12, 2019

Niravta Mathur co-founded a mobile app based business, that merges spirituality with technology by reviving ancient knowledge such as yoga, meditation and astrology, creating products that help people in their day-to-day lives

Eating fat is perhaps the best way to lose fat

February 20, 2019

In this interview Dr.Vijay Murthy speaks with Karyn Augustinus on her journey through ketogenic diet. Karyn explains how she got into ketogenic nutrition and how she eventually overcame the fear of eating fat. She explains the moral struggles transitioning from being vegan to ketogenic eating. Karyn also shares her daily eating plan and how to sustain it. 

The Power of Plants: bringing plant-based nutrition into mainstream medicine

February 13, 2019

Europe’s biggest scientific conference on plant-based nutrition is coming to the UK for the very first time. VegMed will be held at King’s College London on 12 and 13 October 2019. The London edition is titled The Power of Plants: bringing plant-based nutrition into mainstream medicine and will be a two-day conference. The first day is for the medical profession only: physicians, scientists, medical students, and nutritionists and those in related fields. The second day is open to the general public. The full programme of speakers can be found at 
In this interview for UK Health Radio and Unlock Your Health, Dr. Vijay Murthy spoke with the manager of VegMed for ProVeg UK, Amy Odene. Amy says “It is widely accepted that some of the UK’s biggest killers are preventable with diet and lifestyle, yet only a handful of hours are dedicated to nutritional education in any medical professional training here in the UK. VegMed is being brought to the UK by ProVeg UK in partnership with Plant-Based Health Professionals UK, whose co-founder DR. Shireen Kassam says “I am delighted to be involved in bringing VegMed to the UK. The health benefits of a predominantly plant-based diet are still not fully appreciated by the medical community in the UK. The conference will give us the opportunity to share UK expertise alongside some of the international pioneers in the field of plant-based nutrition. I hope the conference will inspire a new generation of healthcare professionals to use plant-based nutrition for disease prevention and reversal in their own clinical practice.” You can contact Dr.Kassam at;; Instagram @plantbasedhealthprofessionals; Twitter @plantbasedhpuk;Facebook -  wholefoodplantbasednutrition 

Training musicians in India to become clinicians

January 30, 2019

In this interview Dr. Margaret Lobo explains to Dr.Vijay Murthy her journey of regaining her voice after an illness when she was in her teens to establishing The Music Therapy Trust in the UK. Margaret shares her experience of how her own life led to helping thousands of children and adults by using music as therapy. She now works mostly in India and has established the first ever music therapist training programme. Margaret explains how her work in India can change the world of children and older people who would benefit immensely from music therapy. 

Transform your life in 8 sessions through the Manasa Ayurveda (Buddhist Ayurvedic) Wellbeing Course

January 23, 2019

Mathew Aldridge, NHS psychiatric nurse and Manasa Ayurveda Therapist, in his deep search for sustainable solutions to mental health issues has put together a first of its kind 8 session self-help workshop and consultation in London. Utilising a Buddhist Ayruvedic counselling and psychiatry approach, these sessions focus on educating anybody interested in mental health including health professionals. Matt, in his interview with Dr.Vijay Murthy says “in a safe, friendly and respectful space with a small group of six to eight people, you'll learn how to look after your well-being using a personally tailored Buddhist Ayurvedic approach. Starting with an online consultation, and a face-to-face consultation on the first session, you'll develop well-being through physical self-care, behaviour change, meditation and mindfulness”. Check out the details at or contact Matt at . Matt’s UK phone number is 07498217953. Here is a direct link to the course:

Looking after your gut microbiome

January 16, 2019

In this interview, Philip Dowling speaks with Dr.Vijay Murthy on the importance of gut microbiome and its impact on health. Philp explains best ways to eat, how much water to drink, why one should not snack and many other healthy practices which will impact on the gut. Philip explains the science of gut microbiome and how we can use this knowledge on a daily basis. 

Buteyko Breathing Training to overcome Asthma, Anxiety and much more.

January 09, 2019

Thousands of people of all ages have attended Buteyko Breathing Clinic since 2001 for help with breathing related disorders. Glenn’s approach is to help restore a functional breathing pattern through breathing exercises, lifestyle guidelines and nutrition.  Glenn uses cutting edge bio-feedback technology to assess and retrain breathing to address the cause of these disorders rather than merely supressing the symptoms. Relearning how to breathe in a way that supports outstanding health can be game-changing for great digestion, hormonal balance and restorative sleep, as well as the function of the respiratory and cardiovascular system. 

Posture & Gait

November 27, 2018

In this interview, two eminent health professionals, Dr. Simon Costain, a consultant podiatrist and Dr. Keerti Mathur, an osteopath discuss with Dr. Vijay Murthy the importance of gait and posture analysis and how to correct these by utilising highly specific and individualised approaches to correcting posture. 

I Am Alive – Accepting life with integrity to dream big

November 13, 2018

In this interview Francesca Del Nero, the founder and CEO of School For Dreamers shares her story with Dr.Vijay Murthy as to how she came to establish a platform for leadership development. Francesca talks about how integrity in accepting life is the key to change. She explains how her annual event in Milan helps hundreds of people who share their life stories to support, encourage and create change. 

East respects continuity while the west likes novelty; Both have a place in medicine.

October 02, 2018

In this interview, Dr. Ananda Samir Chopra, a medical doctor practicing Ayurveda as the medical director at a conventional medical hospital in Kassel, Germany speaks with Dr. Vijay Murthy about the role of eastern healing system of Ayurveda in medicine. Dr. Chopra explains his experience of learning Ayurveda in India after his conventional medical training in Germany. Dr. Chopra discusses why it is important to integrate Ayurveda with conventional medical care in chronic illnesses including hypertension, cancer and skin conditions. Dr. Chopra reflects on the differences in health paradigms based on his extensive study of history of medicine, especially Charaka Samhita, an ancient medical text book from India. 

All Party Parliamentary Group for Indian Traditional Sciences, UK

September 25, 2018

In this interview secretary for the All ll Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Indian Traditional Sciences, UK speaks to Dr Vijay Murthy about the work of APPG in lobbying for Indian traditional systems of health including Ayurveda and Yoga.

New Age Ayurveda- a medical doctor from Germany who has turned into health coaching

September 18, 2018

In this interview Dr.Harsha Gramminger, a medical doctor from Germany explains how she changed her practice to be a health coach. Dr.Gramminger discusses with Dr.Vijay Murthy, the role of Ayurveda nutrition and lifestyle as important interventions in offering holistic solutions to her patients.

Intuition is neither imagination nor magic. It’s real

August 07, 2018

In this interview, Katie Winterbourne explains how intuition can be cultivated to live well. She gives five easy ways to activate your intuition. 
1 Breathe – It’s hard to be anywhere but in the here and now when you take a full conscious breath. It helps to re-centre your energy; it quiets the mind and enables you to be fully present and aware of yourself.
2 Listen -The anagram of listen is Silence. When we self-reflect without analysis we can start to follow the inner stirrings of our souls, we can connect with the inner voice and the guidance that resonates deep within us.
3 Create – writing, painting dancing anything done without pressure to succeed but just to enjoy and experience triggers intuition.
4 Be curious – Like a child, innocent or with inner-sense explore, discover and adventure through life.
5 Be in nature –Nature is a natural balancer, when we release stress and the pressures of life and witness the effortlessness of nature it reminds us to trust in the natural rhythm of life.

Living non-religious spirituality in a cosmopolitan city, London

July 24, 2018

In this show Dr. Rahoul Masrani talks to Dr. Vijay Murthy about how his life underwent a slow but profound shift in his exploration of ethical living and spiritually. He explains what it is to live a non-religious spiritual life by embracing ethical living principles and following the principles of 'non-hurt' from the Yoga philosophy in a cosmopolitan city like London. In this fast-paced, hectic world, increasing numbers of people are looking to become healthier, both mentally and physically. Instead of seeking instant gratification, it is essential to ‘trust the process’ and allow ourselves to embrace change in a gradual, unforced way. If you are looking to become healthier, reduce your carbon footprint and live your life in a more conscious manner, making small changes will go a long way. Never force yourself to embrace change and always question the motivations and intentions behind your decisions. The more we work to better understand the impacts of our choices, the more likely we are to become healthier and happier in the long run.

Chiropractic is more than fixing backs

July 17, 2018

In this interview, Russell Dean, a chiropractor with over 25 years of experience talks to Dr.Vijay Murthy about the holistic nature of Chiropractic. Mr. Dean clarifies some of the limited understanding that consumers and health professionals may have about chiropractic approach. 

The single most important cause of sleep disturbance may be mobile phones

July 10, 2018

In this interview for Unlock Your Health, Dr. Vijay Murthy speaks with Melissa Doman, a sleep consultant. Melissa says that sleep is more and more considered a luxury item than the necessity that is actually is for our health and well-being. She explains that sleep is important for hormonal balance, ability to deal with stress, immunity, brain health, and more.  For many people she talks to, she says it is the things that keep us connected to the world (phone, laptop, etc.) that is taking priority over a good night's rest.  When adults do not get the required 7-9 hours of sleep they need each night, this can have detrimental effects on mood, physical appearance, and lead to major health issues like heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and possibly neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. Melissa says that ‘Good sleep must be prioritized - it's as important as eating healthy and exercising’

Non-invasive methods of pain management utilising reflexology by Dr.Carol Samuel

June 26, 2018

In this interview for UK Health Radio, Dr. Carol Samuel speaks with Dr.Vijay Murthy of Unlock Your Health on the role of integrating evidence bases reflexology in pain management. Dr. Samuel answers questions on how reflexology works, why it works, whether it works and the benefits of using reflexology treatments in various conditions where pain becomes a challenge on an everyday basis. Dr.Samuel talks about the role of reflexology for patients living with cancer pain. Dr. Samuel and Dr. Murthy also touch upon the scope and limitations of complementary therapies in pain management. 

A professor of Epidemiology talks about why do patients integrate different forms of medicine? What are the risks of self-integrating various therapies and supplements.

June 19, 2018

In this interview, Prof.David Sibbritt talks to Dr.Vijay Murthy about the reasons why people integrate conventional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine. Prof. Sibbritt reflects on the trends in integrative medicine and he explains the risks of self-integrating conventional medicine with self-prescribed herbal supplements and nutritional supplements. Prof. Sibbirtt offers advice on what new researchers in public health should be focussing on. 

Why do we love some animals and eat others? Reflections from those growing up in traditionally meat eating cultures.

June 12, 2018

Plant based diet v/s meat-based diet has become an important topic of discussion in today’s world. While there are health reasons and environmental reasons to consider, there is another important aspect we seem to leave out of our discussion, which is  how meat is prepared, where it is sourced, how the animal gets killed before it ends up looking lovely in nicely packaged supermarket aisles. In this conversation Dr.Vijay Murthy discusses with Sue Clark and Tomaz Mueller, who share their experience of growing up in predominantly meat eating families. They both are non-judgemental in their view towards meat eaters and yet have resisted eating meat growing up and Sue has remained a vegetarian throughout her life. Sue’s experience of working at a butcher and supermarket as a young adult firmed up her emotions on why she can’t eat meat. While Sue prepares meat for her son, she shares her honest views about why people think they can eat a pig and yet find it impossible to believe that some cultures kill dogs for food. Tomaz shears his journey through changing nutritional practices thorough his life  and how various factors have shaped his dietary beliefs. In this very honest conversation, many sensitive aspects around animals as food is discussed. This conversation may change your opinion about food all together. 

Steve Backley OBE, discusses how long waiting times impacts on mental health.

June 05, 2018

Steve Backley, OBE, Olympic medalist & Javelin thrower discusses with Dr.Vijay Murthy the psychological impacts of long waiting times for NHS diagnosis & operations. This seems to be born out by a recent survey of 1000 individuals above the age of 60 conducted by Nuffield Health. The survey revealed that one in 10 Brits over the age of 60 have waited almost half a year for an operation or diagnostic test on the NHS. One in three people aged over 60 say the wait for an operation or diagnostic test had a detrimental effect on their mental health.

On this show alongside Steve, Dr Vijay Murthy discusses the issue of waiting times & the possible impacts with Carol Routledge, an ex dancer & cruise director for Cunard. Also discussing with Dr.Vijay Murthy, a pensioner Mrs.Anna Clark. Carol & Anna share their experiences. 

Don't stop eating rice or wheat if you are diabetic – a revolutionary vegan approach to reversing diabetes by Dr. Neal Barnard.

May 29, 2018

Dr. Neal Barnard is the president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, who in this interview with Dr. Vijay Murthy, an associate professor at the Trans Disciplinary University talks ab0ut the myth of high protein, low carb diets in reversing type 2 Diabetes. Dr. Neal Barnard advocates a 100% low-fat vegetarian approach to reverse type 2 diabetes and other metabolic conditions. Dr. Barnard says that diabetes diets typically call for portion control, carbohydrate limits, and, for those who are overweight, calorie restrictions. Fortunately, there is another way. Low-fat, plant-based diets are ideal for diabetes and the conditions associated with it, such as heart disease, weight gain, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. And they offer the advantage of not requiring any weighing or measuring of portions. Going hungry is not necessary! 

Who am I? An inner journey that led to the evolution of Conscious TV

May 22, 2018

In this interview by Dr.Vijay Murthy with Renate McNay, the co-founder of Conscious TV, Renate describes how she along with her husband Ian McNay founded Conscious TV. Renate touches upon some very interesting differences between happiness and freedom, the reality of being in the busy world and staying connected to the deeper reality of life. Renate, after interviewing more than 400 experts in the field of consciousness and spirituality reveals what is the one common factor amongst these seekers of reality. Renate, who has refused to be interviewed on her own TV channel, for the first time talks about her journey in this interview for Unlock Your Health, UK Health Radio. She shares her understanding of non-duality, spirituality and the search for deeper meaning in life.

Vegan Body Building

May 15, 2018

In this interview with Dr.Vijay Murthy, Vegan Body Builder Francesco Pignatti says  “I’m a wellness enthusiast and a lifetime drug-free competitive bodybuilder. I started my social media channels a few years ago to share my story and inspire other people with my body transformation journey. This is my lifestyle. I love challenges and I always strive to become the best I can be by training my body and my mind.” Francesco shares his experience of how one can build muscles being vegan and discusses the benefits of following a vegan lifestyle. 

Physicians promoting Nutrition as Medicine

May 01, 2018

Cirus Henn, a medical student and co-founder of the newly established medical organisation "Physicians Association for Nutrition” (PAN) speaks with Dr.Vijay Murthy on this new initiative to educate physicians about nutrition. PAN aims to raise awareness among health professionals, the general public and policymakers about the role of nutrition in promoting good health and preventing and treating disease, while also providing tools for making positive dietary changes.  More info:

Medicine & Human-ness.Doctors’ movement towards developing sincere relationship with patients.

April 24, 2018

At a time when medicine has become highly technological, often the opportunity to develop true human connections between doctors and patients has become extremely rare. A group of young German doctors have started a movement to change this. MUM, an organisation founded by medical doctors coach doctors, allied health professionals and health workers in  developing authentic relationship towards their patients. These group of doctors aspire for bringing back the true healer in a doctor and all those who work with patients. 

Nancy Dell’Olio’s take on Spirituality and Glamour

April 17, 2018

In this interview Nancy Dell’Olio speaks with Dr Vijay Murthy on her attitude towards spirituality and Glamour. Nancy Dell’Olio openly reflects on how she stays connected to her inner values and tries to understand life with open-mindedness. She says sexy is not the lipstick you wear but in fact the attitude of being positive about oneself. She describes why she would never get angry and how she maintains calm even when unfairly criticised. Nancy says “ it is all about the law of attraction”.

Mothers’ Instinct or Expert opinion?

April 10, 2018

In this interview, Dr Vijay Murthy discusses a very sensitive but pertinent topic on whether a mother would know what might be wrong with her child, more-so than a health expert. The two highly educated mothers with successful former careers in different parts of the world share their experiences of how they identified health issues in their children, despite health experts denying that there was anything wrong. Interestingly both these mothers took nutrition and other holistic approaches to support their children with autism and report immense success. This interview highlights that mothers’ instincts are equally important as expert opinion when it comes to health. Bridging the gap between health experts and parents’ or mothers’ observations plays an important role in offering quality care. 

Why supplements from plant extracts don’t work as well as eating them as food.

April 03, 2018

In this interview plant biologist Dr.Ashwini Godbole explains why eating turmeric as food instead of taking curcumin is more effective. She shares traditional recipes of making Ghee, using gotukola, Ashwagandha and how they help improve memory, cognition and brain functions. Dr.Ashwini offers scientific basis behind Ayurveda foods. 

Dealing with Death

March 27, 2018

In this interview, Dr. Nilesh korde speaks with Dr. Vijay Murthy on the sensitive topic of how to deal with death. Dr. Korde explains the eastern philosophy of understanding life and death. He explains why our beliefs about death can either lead us towards a state of anxiety or offer an opportunity for spiritual evolution. Dr. Korde discusses the concept of death without making references or relating it to the perspectives of religion but, observes life and death by asking meaningful and deep questions from a human angle. This interview can answer certain common questions about death, grieving and anxiety about death. It also will stimulate one to ask more deeper questions about the life itself.

Drug discovery through bioinformatics – A perfect marriage between ancient wisdom and modern science.

March 13, 2018

With advancement in technology, it is possible to create virtual human systems such as virtual skin and then to test the effects of molecular interactions between plants and human biology. In this interview, Dr Hrishikesh Damle talks about the potential of bio-informatics in new drug discovery. Dr Damle discusses with Dr Vijay Murthy, how folklore medicine, plant based medicines from traditional systems such as Ayurveda and even foods can be researched to find their therapeutic benefits using bio-informatics. In an era where there is greater understanding of foods, herbal medicines and nutraceuticals, bio-informatics research can be the first step towards drug discovery. 

Sustainability is about equilibrium & harmony. Veganism is not the solution.

February 27, 2018

In this show Lea Katseli, an urban development architect, who gave up her job to become a farmer talks about what true sustainability is. She says “once upon a time, eating healthy food was so obvious, that people would not even discuss it. All food was grown naturally or even better harvested from wild. World Wars, Industrialization, Population growth, Climate change, Terrorism and above all ignorance has changed everything we eat today. An interesting evolution has happened in our perception of food supply. With population growth, climate change and greed, those supermarket giants were under lots of pressure to keep on supplying the “always hungry population”. Those huge Supermarkets and all their smaller partners, became a pharmacy, filled up with chemical products that look like food, but really have nothing in common with the great natural products that were on our table once upon a time. And the irony is that there is no one to blame… We have created the monster ourselves and only we can stop this monster from destroying us and the entire planet. In this interview with Dr.Vijay Murthy, Lea shares her honest views about eating meat, veganism and other real issues of sustainability. 

A cafe for kids and mothers; keeping it fresh & healthy​

February 20, 2018

​Often mothers get tired having to look after their babies or young kids. It can be a challenge to find a cafe that serves food suitable to kids, which is healthy, fresh and affordable. In this interview Dr.Vijay Murthy talks to Lara Bloomberg,who owns and runs a cafe for mothers and kids in Greenwich, London. Lara shares her recipes for kids. She talks about how simple it can be to keep kids' recipes healthy, fresh and affordable. Lara shares her journey of how she learnt all about cafe food for kids. She discusses the challenges and solutions she has found in running a cafe successfully where mothers and kids love to eat out. ​

Declutter your home

February 13, 2018

In this interview Dr.Vijay Murthy speaks to two experts on ‘why it is important to declutter your home for better mental health’. Belinda Corani, an interior designer & former stylist, and, Tomaz Mueller, a wellbeing artist & Ayurveda practitioner provide tons of tips on how to crate a positive space in the house by decluttering bed room, detoxing the wardrobe, rearranging the living room and keeping the kitchen tidy & clean. This show offers practical tips on improving your wellbeing by creating healthy environment in your home.  

Children with learning difficulties

February 06, 2018

Some children may be overly sensitive to the auditory and visual stimulation around them, which can disturb them more than their peers, resulting in learning difficulties. Susanna Di Castro Horn who teaches at the Doman International  Institute for Brain Development talks to Dr.Vijay Murthy as to how one can identify what may be causing learning difficulties in children. They discuss the role of nutrition, auditory and visual environments that hinder or promote learning among kinds.

All you need to know about eating fish

January 30, 2018

Seafood is an important part of many diets. But how much do we really know about where are food comes from? Where exactly do the fish on our tables come from, and how can we make the best decision for us and our families? In this show Dr.Vijay Murthy talks to a marine scientist, Christian Daniel  about the health and environmental effects of seafood. They discuss what mercury is, how it gets into our seafood, and what fish have higher concentrations of it. The differences between farmed fish and wild fish and when it's best to choose between the two. The environmental impacts of seafood are discussed as well, and how different fishing industries are having many different effects. On top of all this, they also talk about what people can do to improve their own health, and the health of the marine environment.

Healthy Nutrition for Teenagers

January 23, 2018

When you are a parent with a teenage child, providing healthy nutrition on a budget might seem daunting. 'It doesn't have to be', says Alison Fielder, a single parent of a young sportsman. In this interview, Alison talks to Dr. Vijay Murthy and shares her strategies on how she shops, prepares food and inculcates healthy eating habits into her 16 year old son who is training to become a professional athlete. This interview is a must for all parents who want to build a solid foundation of healthy eating practices in supporting their teen age children. Interestingly, Alison offers several simple and practical tips on how to prepare foods without refined sugars and how to keep the grocery bills within limits. 

Making food and lifestyle choices for the sustainability of the planet

January 02, 2018

Although we may often choose foods we eat and lifestyles we live based on our individual needs, we may not understand the impact this has on the health of the environment. In this interview Dr.Vijay Murthy talks to Mariano Plata Gröber, a civil engineer with an interest in sustainability. Mariano explains how by choosing different foods one can make a difference to the health of the planet. He explains how we can as individuals reduce the carbon food print despite air travel and suggests many practical ways to make conscious choices in our everyday living.

Supporting Young Women with Confidence & Employment

November 22, 2017

Dr. Carole Easton, OBE, Chief Executive of Young Women's Trust talks to Dr.Vijay Murthy  about how despite record number of women in work in the UK, there is overwhelming evidence that young women are at great risk of long-term insecure employment and that women are still paid less than their male counterparts, less likely to progress, more likely to have experienced discrimination and more anxious, and pessimistic about their future. Easton explains how Young Women's Trust offers help through their project 'Work It Out', an innovative service that supports young women to increase their employability and confidence. Easton talks about how their services can help improve young women's wellbeing and she says that the role of structural changes in society are more important than medicating women for depression and anxiety. 

Balancing health, well being, vitality and a successful busy career

November 15, 2017

Often we may feel that success comes at a cost and stress seems to dominate the lifestyle of individuals in highly demanding roles in their career. In this interview Denise Parkinson, who has been the Director of Global Entertainment, The Telegraph for the past 4 years, openly shares her strategies to stay healthy and well despite an extremely busy life style. She talk to Dr.Vijay Murthy about the role of routine, sleep, nutrition, exercise and most importantly attitude and gratitude as the key determinants of happy healthy life.

Eating according to your metabolic type

November 08, 2017

In this episode, Unlock Your Health host, ayurvedic doctor & naturopath Dr.Vijay Murthy talks about understanding your unique metabolic type and choosing the right kinds of food and lifestyle to match your metabolic type. Dr.Murthy explains the metabolic types based on Ayurveda's concepts of Vata, Pitta & Kapha types. He describes how one can understand which metabolic type they are and how to plan their nutrition accordingly for weight loss, improved health and for improving immunity. 

Discover your voice

October 31, 2017

Voice is a powerful identity and an important instrument for communication and self-expression. In this interview vocal coach Philip Foster talks to Dr.Vijay Murthy about voice.

Insights into research on cancer treatment

October 17, 2017

A molecular science researcher, Dr. Subbarao explains why it is important to consider metabolic pathways and immune system in cancer treatment. He shares his decades of research into cancer therapeutics and explains how personalised medicine in cancer treatment is useful. Dr. Subbarao explains the mechanisms of cancer treatment and points out that researching herbal medicines and herbal compounds can be of immense value in cancer treatment. 

From Compulsiveness to Consciousness

October 10, 2017

Modernisation often displaces cultural identity as anything ancient can easily be ignored as obsolete. However, in a country like India with rich heritage and highly established wisdom traditions, one can embrace both ancient value systems and modern life style. Sometimes, when one chases materialism as bringing happiness, revisiting the true cause of happiness as known to ancient traditions of India can unfold a completely new way  of looking at life. In this interview by Dr.Vijay Murthy with Aniruddha Padmanabha, CEO of 'The Thought School', Aniruddha explains how to move towards consciousness in business & lifestyle choices to establish healthy communities.

Is Placebo the future of medicine? How placebo works.

September 26, 2017

Placebo is always criticised as chance effect. Dr. Ram Manohar, the research director at Amirta Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda, Amrita University unpicks the evidence showing how in fact placebo is more effective than active intervention in many situations. Dr. Manohar explains the role of seeing a physician, compassionate health service delivery, the setting where health services are delivered and the ritual of caring about one's health have far greater benefits on one's health than ignoring these factors as placebo. Dr. Manohar comments that when the entire medical research is built on muting the role of mind on bio-chemical changes in the body and medical education devoid of compassion for patients, we end up with a dysfunctional health care system. Dr. Manohar, without undermining scientific research and medical approaches, highlights the need to bring back 'health care with compassion' and 'true scientific research' based on the system of Ayurveda. 

How to choose the right type of gym exercises

October 03, 2017

Often there are contrasting views on cardio exercises and resistance training. While both types of exercising have health benefits, they both have limitations when followed as the only type of exercise. In this interview William Lindsey, a personal trainer discussed with Dr.Vijay Murthy the advantages and possible limitations of these two types of popular exercises. William suggests plymatric exercises as a suitable method to achieve both cardiac fitness and strength training. 

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